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Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Improvement and Thanks

Dickie again:
We are in so much a better place tonight than last night. Yesterday was very, very difficult but today Charlene has picked up the baton and fought and battled back against all the odds. The central line has been successfully removed and Charlene has a little bit more energy today and tons more fight than we could ever have hoped for. There is clearly a long way to go, and we have often been going two steps forward and two steps back, but things are again pointing and moving in the right direction - a real answer to the prayers of so many. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for and thinking of Charlene.

Sorry we have not been able to answer all the texts and messages, but your love and support means just so much to Charlene and all the other Barrs.

God is always good. God bless.


  1. So glad to read this update...


  2. We will keep praying! Mari

  3. Glad to hear this :) hope it all keeps going this direction!

    Hannah Grieve xoxo

  4. You're a star Charlene

    We send you all our love and a big hug


  5. In the word of Bob Dylan " Keep on keeping on " and I send you a smug which is a small hug with a smile


  6. wenford u BIG WHOOSH!! Gettin all soppy here.

    Natalie xo

  7. Hey Charlene
    Hugs & kisses from a very hot El Salvador - there is much need out here too - you want to take on another project????
    Beverley xx
