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Tuesday 12 January 2010

Christmas and much more

Firstly I am SO sorry that this blog has not been updated in what seems like forever.I promise with the new year that my blog will be updated more frequently. However the reason for this is not that I have been in hospital but that I have been busy with Christmas and that.

I am just looking back on the blog and realising that my last entry was the night before the Dolly Walk.

Well what a success that was with 150+ women turning out to walk around Lurgan at midnight with over £12,000 being raised on the night.Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the walk and I think it is safe to say a good night was had by all. Also a big thank you to Lurgan college hockey teams who on the morning of the Dolly Walk postponed their scheduled matches in order to the their own walk. Thank you.

Waringstown Primary school also hosted their own successful walk which rasied over £5,000. Amazing.

So many other individuals, schools, churches and businesses have supported me and sent donations or done fundraisers.
Christmas has come and gone and we had a lovely Christmas at home.

I was even well enough after Christmas for us to make the trip to England with the family. We all love Center Parcs and the weather was brilliant with plenty of snow making everything beautiful. We had a great time.

I cannot thank you all enough for all your support.
All your help in so many ways is appreciated more than I can say. God bless you all.

PS Charlene was readmitted to hospital after writing most of this. She had her longest spell out of hospital in well over a year - 8-9 weeks. She only had about a week off intravenous antibiotics after being on them 3 months and unfortunately was getting more chesty again and all the hard work of getting her weight up was quickly being undone. She is back on intravenous antibiotics so hopefully will pick up again quickly. Thanks for your ongoing thoughts and prayers. Dickie

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