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Friday 7 May 2010

A Quick Update

Just a wee quick update to let you know where things are at. I am still in hospital 8weeks and counting :) but things are pretty stable and I am still on that list which is good. They aren't too keen to send me home cause me being me likes to try and do too much when she goes home and shall we say maybe pushes the limits a little bit, and they are worried that if I go home for good I will just detoriate and end up back at square one which I so don't want to happen. Whereas being in hospital I am forced to sit here and do nothing. I don't like to admit this but I do kind of see their point. So we reached a compromise and I'm going to stay here as long as I get home one or two nights a week and then maybe we can look at being home long term. So pretty much I get out for good behaviour lol.
This week has been a good week with me weighing in at 42kg(can we say OBESE!!!!) and then on Tuesday night I was allowed to get out for the evening to go and see my boys (Westlife) I even took Dad along but secretly I think He really enjoyed it (though he would never admit that :)) It was a brilliant night and I must say Shane just gets better looking every time lol. Also my inflammatory markers in my blood went from being like 200 to 42 in the space of a few days which is really good. So that pleased us all. Lets hope it stays there!!
Got home overnight last night and slept in my own wee bed for the first time in weeks. AMAZING.So Im looking forward to my next wee outing home.To be honest its what keeps me going. This morning we had our first Newcastle scare. Mum, Dad,David Poppa and me went out for coffee and didn't mums phone go off with a witheld number, sure enough it was Newcastle so there was Dad and me looking at each other trying to piece together what they were saying to mun on the phone. Turns out they needed a blood sample from me and that was it. To be honest thats ok cause at least it means they are working at my stuff over there and keeping me in mind, and anyway it wouldn't have suited me anyway I was out enjoying coffee thank you very much :)
On Hidden Treasure front things are going really well and we are now up to about £94,000 which is awesome but keep it coming people cause I have an orphange to build afterwards. Also Dad was talking to the folks at Fields of Life yesterday and they are going to start building within the fortnight how awesome is that. God is just amazing and I am so excited to see the things that are achieved through this wee school and all the little kids that will hopefully get the chance to get to school thanks to all you guys. Thank you all so much. You are all legends. God Bless you all <3

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