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Tuesday 18 August 2009

And so the dream begins

Well have finally got around to starting this blog. It is here that I aim to keep you guys up to date with what is happening with my plans to build a school in Uganda and also my journey as I prepare for a lung transplant.

I have recently just completed a series of tests in Newcastle England to test my suitability for a double lung transplant and if everything goes according to plan I hope to be on the list within the next few months. God willing.

As many of you know I have been unwell for quite sometime now and as a result had to leave school early . It was then that I came up with the idea of building a school in Uganda. I had been out previously once before and was due to go out during this summer however couldn't due to ill health. The need of the children shocked me and I saw that they were even been deprived of something as small as an education. Something which in this country we take for granted and children complain about going to school. As a result I want to make a difference to a small number of children in Uganda by providing them with a chance to go to school. When the Love For Life team were out in Uganda this summer I sent them with strict instructions to try and find me a primary school that they thought could do with help. they viewed a couple of different schools and found Hidden Treasure Primary, it is simply one little room made of sticks and mud where all of the children are taught together. I really do feel like this is the right school to be starting my project with and I pray to God that it will be the first school of many that the Charlene Project has helped to contribute towards. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and prayers.

p.s. below are a few pictures of what Hidden Treasure Primary school currently looks like.

The ChalkBoard used to teach the kids

Outside the School

Here are some of the kids in the school and just look at what they are expected to sit on all day


  1. hey... we've never met, but your brother Dave is a true brother of mine, so to speak...
    I just wanted to say that what you are doing here is an absolute good... God is proud! Keep this updated and let us all know how things are going and how we can help!
    Also, I am praying for your lung transplant, as are a couple of churches I am attached to, and a number of other people myself and Dave know. God is good, and you are always in His hands.

  2. Charlene,

    I read a quote last night on a blog of a musician i thought would interest you and encourage you... here goes...

    "If you have a dream….If you have something inside of you that keeps you awake at night……GO AFTER IT! Find a way to pay for what you believe in WITH SWEAT….but never let money keep you from where you’re needing to go! Find the people you can walk through life with….find the people you can dream with….find the people you can create with…..& If it comes down to it…..RISK EVERYTHING to make it happen! You only have 1 life… do something with it…..NO MATTER how crazy they say you are…(and THEY WILL call you crazy)……no matter how many people get in your way……GO AFTER THE REASON YOU WERE BORN!" (Nathan Lee, musician from Tennessee)

    Go for it chic. We are lifting you up in prayer.

    Dream on.....and on and on til that dream becomes a reality...God as your helper.

    Lots of love,


  3. It brings tears to my eyes to see someone so young and so small with such a huge heart for those less fortunate. If everyone were like you, with such vision and commitment in spite of circumstances, this world would surely be a better place. I have been in a dark place for the past two months after suffering the bereavement of someone very dear to me. Your own plight and that of those you seek to serve and help puts things into perspective a little. We all have to expect suffering in life, but thank God, this is not all there is. May God bless you and give you much strength as you walk with Him and move towards your wonderful dreams.

    Dee P, Leicester

  4. This is really inspirational Charlene. Keep going for the dream - God's strength is made perfect in weakness and he uses our hard times to bring blessing to others. Hang in there (2 Cor 1:3-5; 12:9)

  5. Hello Charlene,
    I have been dipping in and out of your blogg today as and when work permits and hope I have managed to get a personal message to you this time. What a girl - no wonder Dr Barr calls himself a proud dad! What a good bunch of people on the Uganda team - old, not soooo old and the young!!! Well done to them for finding you your dream project school. I will pray for the success of this project and that you will get your personal dream too.

    What an inspiration you are

  6. Hi Charlene
    when the going gets tough the knowledge that there are individuals of your strength and character fighting the good fight are an inspiration. God blees you. Shalom.

  7. You are an inspiration to us all. I am writing a report about heroes for school and I have picked you as my hero. God bless as you rest in peace.
